Dear Stakeholder,
Sustainability is the cornerstone for Roop Auto’s sustained growth and we are happy to share our commitment by commencing our company’s first Sustainability disclosures that track our journey of creating value for all stakeholders including customers, employees, investors, supplier, and associated communities.
We are recognized with the following for our commitment
“Best CSR Impact Maker of The Year”, “Women Empowerment and Recognition for Education initiatives”.
EHS Performance: “Bronze Award by CII-SR for EHS Excellence” “Chennai plant is Green Co certified – in silver category”
Chairman & Managing Director
We are aligning Roop Auto’s Sustainability strategy over the material issues identified and in addition streamlining our efforts towards the country’s target to become Carbon Neutral by 2070. To achieve this, we have undertaken the following commitments:
we are confident that with our collective efforts, continuous direction from customers and innovative practices driven by ESG Central Steering team within Roop Auto, we will be able to meet our targets. As we move ahead, we aim to reduce our consumption of natural resources over the next years setting an example for the communities to follow. If we cannot reduce our consumption, we can at least aim to control and replenish. We know its possible as all it takes is a small step and deep intent.
This is the spirit of Roop Auto as we undertake our sustainability journey and as we collectively cheer in Roop Auto, “miles to go before we rest”.
Our Sustainability Strategy outlines our commitment towards being sustainable and a better corporate citizen along with making the world a better place. At Roop Automotives, we think that operating a successful company involves more than just hitting financial goals. It entails safeguarding the environment, enhancing social compliance, and having a positive influence on the supply chain and communities we serve.