September, 2022
02 teams from Sohna participated in Indian Society For Quality(TOPS) Convention 2022 held in Delhi on 17th
September’22 & won 1st position & 3rd Position.
July, 2022
- Sohna team won Gold award (1st Position) in 3rd National EHS circle competition organized by CII on 21-23rd
July’2022. - We participated for the first time in this competition.
July, 2022
- Sohna team & IMT-1 team participated in 19th North Region Quality circle competition by ACMA held at Sonipat.
- Sohna team got overall 1st position out of 110 teams.
- IMT-1 team got 2nd position in Productivity Improvement Category.
- All total of 110 teams participated in the competition.
June, 2022
Sohna team won ‘GOLD AWARD’ in 2nd National ZED Competition Organized by CII on 23-24th Jun-2022 .
May, 2022
Chennai plant Team won ‘PLATINUM AWARD’ in 13th National 3M Competition organized by CII on 24-25 May-2022.
May ,2022
- 2 Teams, one each from Chennai & RAFPL participated in 11th National Poka Yoke Competition organized by CII on
20-21 May-2022. - Both teams won ‘PLATINUM AWARD’.
April 2022
Sohna Plant Won ACMA ATMANIRBAR Excellence Award 2021 in “Excellence in Manufacturing”- Bronze Award
(Large category) organized by ACMA in Apr-2022.
April, 2022
IMT Unit- 1 Won ACMA ATMANIRBAR Excellence Award 2021 in ‘Excellence in Export’- Silver Award (Large category) organized by ACMA in Apr-2022.
April, 2022
- 5 teams, 3 from IMT unit-1, 1 each from Sohna & RAFPL Participated in Kaizen Conclave-2022 organized by QCFI
on 16th Apr-2022 - All teams won ‘GOLD AWARD’.
March, 2022
- Sohna plant team won ‘Second Position’ in 3rd National Maintenance Quality Circle Competition Organized by CII on
29-30th Mar-2022. - We participated for 1st time in competition.
March, 2022
- Total 4 Teams, one from Chennai, two from IMT-2 & one from RAFPL Dharuhera Participated in 42nd National
Kaizen Competition Organized by CII on 28-29th Mar-2022. - 2 Teams, one from IMT -2, Chennai team Won Platinum Award
- 2 Teams one from IMT-2 & RAFPL Dharuhera teams won Silver Award.
February 2022
IMT unit-2 won ‘Silver Award’ in 5th National Kaizen Circle Competition Organized by CII on 24-26th February-2022.
February, 2022
- 3 Teams from Sohna, Chennai & RAFPL Dharuhera participated in 12th 3M National Competition Organized by CII on
22-23rd February-2022 (participated through virtual platform). - All 3 teams won ‘GOLD AWARD’.
February, 2022
Chennai Plant won 1st position in 11th Southern Region SMED Competition organized by ACMA on 25th February’2022
in their category.
January, 2022
- 4 Teams, one each from Sohna, IMT unit-1, IMT unit-2 & RAFPL Participated in 10th CII National Poka-Yoke
Competition Organized by CII on 24th & 25th Jan-2022 (through virtual platform). - 3 Teams, Sohna, RAFPL & IMT Unit-2 won ‘GOLD AWARD’ in their category.
- IMT Unit-1 Team won ‘SILVER AWARD’ in their category.
- All total of 93 teams participated across India in the competition.
December, 2021
- 2 Teams Participated in 35th NCQC-2021 (National Convention on Quality Concepts) Competition Organized by QCFI from 27-30th Dec-2021 at Coimbatore (both our teams participated virtually)
- ‘INNOVATION’ Team from Sohna plant and ‘TEJAS’ Team from IMT Unit-1 participated in this competition and both Teams won ‘PAR EXCELLENCE’ award (equivalent to Platinum award) in their category.
- All total of 877 Teams participated in the competition.
December, 2021
- 6 Teams Participated in 11th Champions Trophy and Challengers Trophy Competition Organized by CII from 8th to 10th Dec-2021.
- 2 Teams (both from Chennai) and 4 Teams (2 each Sohna & IMT Unit-2) participated in Champions Trophy and Challengers Trophy, respectively. All 6 Teams won awards in various categories
- Chennai Team (Poka-Yoke category)- Jury Challenger Trophy (Gold)
- Sohna Standards Room Team (3M-MUDA)- Jury Challenger Trophy (Gold)
- IMT Unit-2 Team (3M- MURI)- Star Challenger Trophy (Silver)
- Sohna Production Team (3M- MURI)- Star Challenger Trophy (Silver)
- Chennai Team (3M- MUDA)- Star Championship Trophy (Silver)
November, 2021
- 4 teams participated in 14th CII Cluster National Championship 2021 in case study and Kaizen competition held on 25-26th Nov-2021. 2 case studies and 2 Kaizens were showcased (4 teams participated)
- A total of 94 teams participated in this event.
- 3 of our teams won the competition
- Both Kaizens won ‘PLATINUM AWARD’ (both Kaizens from Sohna plant)
- 1 Case study won ‘ SILVER AWARD’ (Case study presentation by Chennai plant)
November, 2021
- IMT Unit-1 won ‘GOLD AWARD’ (excellence award) in ICQCC -2021 Convention Organized by QCFI at Hyderabad from 24-27th Nov-2021.
- A total of 330 teams participated in the event across India and Overseas.
October, 2021
- 5 of our Teams from Chennai (1 team), Sohna(2 teams) and IMT Unit-2 (2 teams) participated in 11th National 3M Kaizen Competition Organized by CII on 28-29th October.
- All 5 Teams have won Awards (1 Platinum and 4 Silver award). A total of 66 teams participated Pan India.
- Chennai Team has won ‘PLATINUM AWARD’ in MUDA category.
- Chennai Team will participate in ‘Champions Trophy’ directly and rest 4 teams will participate in ‘Challengers Trophy’ in Dec-2021.
October, 2021
- 2 Teams from IMT Unit-1 and Sohna Plants participated in 32nd CCQC-Delhi Chapter Quality Circle Competition Organized by QCFI from 11th to 13th October.
- Both the Teams won ‘GOLD AWARD’ in the competition.
- A Total of 119 Teams Participated
- Both these Teams will now compete in NCQC Competition in Dec-2021 (27-30th Dec at Coimbatore)
October, 2021
Chennai Plant won 3rd Position in 1st 5S Southern Region Competition organized by ACMA on 08th October
A Total of 12 Teams Participated in the Competition
September, 2021
- Chennai Plant won PLATINUM AWARD (first time platinum award won) in 41st National Level Kaizen Competition (Restorative Category) Organized by CII on 23rd-24th Sept-2021
- A Total of 72 Teams Participated in the Competition
September, 2021
Chennai plant won 1st position in 6th Edition of Poka Yoke competition organized by CII Southern Region held on 16th September-2021 (44 teams participated)
April, 2021
Chennai plant won Gold Award in Poka Yoke competition organized by CII National on 23rd April-2021 (50 teams participated)
March, 2021
IMT Unit-1 plant won ‘Best Holding the Gains’ award in 33rd Quality Circle Regional competition organized by CII on 9th-10th March-2021
March, 2021
IMT Unit-1 plant won Gold Award in Quality Quiz competition organized by CII on 10th March-2021
February, 2021
Chennai plant won Third position in 10th Regional SMED Competition organized by ACMA on 26th February-2021
February, 2021
IMT Unit-1 plant won the 1st position in 7th SMED competition organized by ACMA
January, 2021
3 of our teams participated in 3M Kaizen competition Organized by CII on 22nd January and all 3 teams won accolades in the competition with 2 Gold Award and 1 Silver Award (Sohna plant- 1 ‘Gold Award’ and 1 ‘Silver Award’ & Chennai plant- 1 ‘Gold Award’)
December, 2020
IMT Unit II won ‘1st Runners Up’ position in 13th CII National Competition & Cluster Summit 2020 held on 19th Dec-2020. They won award in ‘Quality Kaizen’ in Large category. A total of 87 teams participated in the event.
December, 2020
Chennai plant won ‘Silver Award’ in National Challengers Trophy 2020 Kaizen Competition Organized by CII
November, 2020
Winner in 33rd Haryana Quality Circle competition 2020-21 (Gurugram Chapter) organized by CII
December, 2019
IMT Unit I won Excellence Award in NCQC Quality Circle Competition in 2019-20 on Quality Concepts
November, 2019
RAL Sohna won the Gold in Maruti Centre for Excellence (MACE) Quality Circle Competition for Tier II suppliers
October 2019
IMT Unit I won Gold Award in QCFI (Quality Circle Forum of India)