Currently there are 32 Quality circles at ROOP. The company regularly participates in many QC events, conventions & competitions Pan India & Globally. We have won various awards from QCFI, CII, NCQC, MACE etc. Interplant QC competition are also held annually & Best Quality Circle takes part in Global events.
Kaizens have always been a very strong & effective tool for Employee engagement & involvement at ROOP. Every year we receive more than 5000 kaizens which are implemented across all processes & exceptional savings both Tangible and Intangible have been achieved.
ROOP believes in the philosophy of ‘Total Employee Involvement’ (TEI). Focused group activity is one the systematic and dynamic initiative which is followed across plants. Each group consists of 5-6 team members from their workplace & the team works together for resolution of concerns/ pain areas related to PQCDSM.
We at ROOP focus on ‘Lean Manufacturing Concepts’& VSM is an integral & effective concept initiated across all plants throughout the Total Supply chain for various product family which has yielded benefits by identifying & eliminating nonvalue added activities and processes.
At ROOP, we continuously strive for enhancing Work place Organization and 5-S is a key tool which is initiated at all ROOP plants. Inter plant 5S audits are conducted & rolling trophy is awarded to the Best work place.